Friday, January 8, 2010

Wendy's Films of 2010 #7: Julie & Julia (2009)

I just finished watching this with my mum and though it's a very recent viewing, I am willing to say that it may be the perfect film to share with a mother. Meryl Streep is a goddess, first of all, I don't know if I've ever seen a film of hers that I didn't love. Her portrayal of Julia Child, as so many before me have said, is flawless; from her style of dress, to her mannerisms, voice and attitude, Streep is bang on. She is the Julia Child that so many saw and loved, though I must stress that this is perhaps not the same Julia Child that existed in the real world. Even Streep herself admits this in the DVD feature about the film; this Julia Child is a beautiful characterization of the real woman, the woman that so many loved and admired.

At the beginning of the film I must admit that I sometimes grew weary of the Julie Powell side of the story and thought that the director chose the perfect moments to switch back to the other tale, just before I became too restless. Overall, this is a great film, perhaps meant for women rather than men, but a delightful foray into the world of a legend.

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