Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wendy's Films of 2010 #52: Know Your Mushrooms (2008)

It seems that after hitting 50 films my brain decided, "You don't neeeed to write reviews, just leave them for a while!" And so it has been nine days since I've written one, and due to my love of watching whole television series I have sadly watched fewer films than anticipated.

So! On to Know Your Mushrooms, a documentary I picked up because I thought it would enlighten me on the subject of magic mushrooms, and because I think mushrooms are delicious.

It ended up being slightly boring, but quite informative, as several documentaries are. In this film we delve into the world of mushroom lovers and those who seek out the mighty mushroom as a way of experiencing the grand cathedral of nature in a sublimely psychedelic fashion. It has cute animations, a trip to the Telluride Mushroom Festival and an interesting interview with Larry Evans. And though it could have been a little more interesting or crazy, it was saved by the use of music by the Flaming Lips and The Sadies, which added a little magic to this mushroom escapade.

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